Houston Daily Photo

Howdy Ya'll! Everyday we will post a random picture from the great city of Houston, Texas. Come...See...Experience Houston! If there is anything we can do for you...snap a picture, send a postcard, swap links...just let us know!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Bayou Bend

Today my boyfriend, one of our friends, and I went and toured The Hogg Mansion (or Bayou Bend). It is a beautiful place in the River Oaks area of Houston. This is actually the back of the house, which overlooks a beautiful fountain and a great statue of Diana the "Goddess of the Hunt." (I will show you these in the next few days.)

Bayou Bend was the home of Ms. Ima Hogg, daughter of Texas Governor, James Stephen Hogg. Ms. Ima donated her beautiful home to The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston in 1957. The museum has done a great job of maintaining the home and it's originality.

I've had a great day...I hope you have too,

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