Houston Daily Photo

Howdy Ya'll! Everyday we will post a random picture from the great city of Houston, Texas. Come...See...Experience Houston! If there is anything we can do for you...snap a picture, send a postcard, swap links...just let us know!

Sunday, August 13, 2006


I decided to post Lakewood today, because we are watching Pastor Joel Osteen preach on the telly now. He is the pastor of Lakewood Church, reportedly the largest church in the country. It is about two minutes from my work. Every once in a while the cameraman will pull out and scan the crowd, and it is amazing to see how many people go to Lakewood.

(This building was actually The Summit, or the Compaq Center, former home of the Houston Rockets. This is where they won the 1994 Championship.)

Have a great day,

2 Bouquets of Flowers:

Blogger Kala said...

I've never heard or seen him on TV before - he looks young and charismatic - the website is pretty kewl - I woldnt mind attending one of his services!

6:45 AM  
Blogger Candice and Megan said...

Yeah, I've visited there a couple of times...it is pretty cool. It's amazing how huge it is!

5:45 PM  

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