Houston Daily Photo

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Monday, August 14, 2006

Let's Go to London!

There is a great authentic British Pub here in Houston called the Black Labrador. It is in the Upper Kirby area off Montrose. This is my favorite British place in town. I went to the UK the summer of 2003 and I loved it! I miss it and the Black Labrador is a great way to bring back those memories.

They have great English Specialties such as Fish & Chips, Beef Wellington, Shepherd's Pie, Ploughman's Lunch, etc. For the next few days, I will share some pictures from the Black Labrador that I think you will enjoy. See you tomorrow.


1 Bouquets of Flowers:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this one Candice. I have been to UK as well and love their variety of ales. I'll stop by this pub at your recommendation.

8:19 AM  

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