Houston Daily Photo

Howdy Ya'll! Everyday we will post a random picture from the great city of Houston, Texas. Come...See...Experience Houston! If there is anything we can do for you...snap a picture, send a postcard, swap links...just let us know!

Saturday, August 19, 2006


Actually, it's our own Water Wall in downtown Houston. See how tall it is? On the left it's my friend, Nikita, my other friend, Samantha, and my other friend, Kristen. It was Samantha's birthday and she got a limo that we could ride all around in, downtown.
Well, Have a Wonderful day! (Ha! you thought I was going to say waterfall again. Didn't you?)
-Megan :)

2 Bouquets of Flowers:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I recognize those ladies... Great shot. Mel

3:54 PM  
Blogger Kala said...

wow that waterfall is crazy tall - it must feel so nice and cool standing next to it

11:07 PM  

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