Houston Daily Photo

Howdy Ya'll! Everyday we will post a random picture from the great city of Houston, Texas. Come...See...Experience Houston! If there is anything we can do for you...snap a picture, send a postcard, swap links...just let us know!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Waiting for the Bus

This is a terrible picture...but I do like what it shows. I was on my way home when I saw all of these people downtown waiting for the METRO. This is very close to the METRO station downtown.

Also, I want to point out the mini-van parked behind the fence. During the morning rush hour, all underneath I-45 people park their cars in these parking lots and then hop on a bus and head to work. I guess it is convenient if you travel via I-45!

Houston is definitely not known for their mass transportation system. But did you know that one 40-foot bus takes approximately 58 cars off of the roads? That is something to defintely think about! Anyway, here are a few more interesting bits of information from Commute Solutions:

According to a study by the Surface Transportation Policy Project and the Center for Neighborhood Technology, Houston-area commuters spend more than $9,500 a year – more than 21 percent of their annual household expenditures – on transportation.

Another study, the 2005 Urban Mobility Report, conducted by the Texas Transportation Institute, ranked Houston 5th in annual delay per traveler in the nation.

The study goes on to show that public transportation saved 20 million hours of traffic delays in 2003.

Public transportation also saved commuters a total of $341 million in that same year. Houstonians can avoid wasting so much of their hard-earned time and money sitting in traffic jams by participating in the many great commuting alternatives available.

Have a great day!

4 Bouquets of Flowers:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to tell you as a Houstonian that rode public transportation from a park-n-ride lot for 3+ years, that it really isn't all its made out to be. Unfortunately, our city needs to invest in replacing all our old dilapitdated buses with new ones that don't leak in the summer from the air conditioning system, and when it rains. Also, they really need to get security at all park-n-ride lots, so that you don't have to worry about your car being stolen or vandalized. Then maybe I will consider going back to park-n-ride and public transportation, because I really did enjoy my little naps in the morning and afternoon, not to mention the cost savings you mentioned in your posting. Now, I will get off my soap box (haha).... Mel

3:15 PM  
Blogger Kala said...

thats some interesting facts - i wondr though - does Houston snow? I would probably freeze and die if i had to wait for the bus in winter. =)

1:16 AM  
Blogger Candice and Megan said...

Haha...you wouldn't freeze trust me! It only snows in Houston every 6 - 10 years!

4:30 AM  
Blogger mikescotland said...

hi, i really like your blog, refreshingly interesting. question from a foreigner on this post - what is an I-45?

4:48 AM  

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