Houston Daily Photo

Howdy Ya'll! Everyday we will post a random picture from the great city of Houston, Texas. Come...See...Experience Houston! If there is anything we can do for you...snap a picture, send a postcard, swap links...just let us know!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Taking a Fake Sick Day

I've become more interested in billboards recently since I have gotten deeper into my Management & Marketing studies. I look at them differently, and I notice them alot more these days. So, when I saw this one I couldn't help but laugh. You can find this on I-45 heading south on the left hand side.

Why don't we all take a fake sick day tomorrow?

3 Bouquets of Flowers:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack in the Crack is sounding pretty good right now. I can just taste that burger. Wait a minute.....Do you work for Jack In The Box? I knew it! Advertising really does work!

12:44 AM  
Blogger Candice and Megan said...

Haha, no I work for a real estate appraisal company here in town. I absolutely love it!

6:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss real burgers. My better half and my cardiologist keep me away from food like that. That burger looks so good! I can taste it from here. Great post!

7:04 AM  

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