Houston Daily Photo

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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Turkey Time

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Today my family enjoyed a traditional lunch (turkey and trimmings) with one side of the family and then a very untraditional dinner (fried shrimp) with the other.

What did you guys do today?

3 Bouquets of Flowers:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, of course, here in Australia we don't have Thanksgiving.

To tell you the truth I couldn't bear the thought of backing up for all that again at Christmas a mere month or so away!

Glad you had a good time though!

11:57 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Well, you asked!!!One grandchild was not available, but the youngest one arrived with her spirted self that always brightens the day. Company was good and Thanksgiving prayer when we listed our thanks took an interesting turn: everyone seemed a bit more serious. My generosity was tested when my beautiful Wedgewood serving dish full of mashed potatoes was dropped and broken--beyond repair. I smiled and noted that no-one had been hurt. And I meant it!!

5:05 AM  
Blogger Candice and Megan said...

That's the spirit, Kate!

You're right, Sally! It is fun, but sometimes stressful to pull it all off twice in just under 2 months.

5:58 AM  

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